The tradition of the Sunday roast is a beloved staple in the United Kingdom, and Norwich is no exception.

A typical Sunday roast in Norwich typically consists of a roasted meat (such as beef, chicken, or pork), accompanied by roast potatoes, vegetables (such as carrots, peas, and Brussels sprouts), and gravy. Some families may also include Yorkshire pudding, a type of savory pudding made from batter, traditionally served with roast beef.

The Sunday roast is typically enjoyed in the late afternoon, after church services have ended. It is a traditional meal that is often enjoyed by families and friends, and is seen as a way to relax and spend time together after a busy week.

The Gem of Norwich offers a traditional Sunday roast as a special menu item, and it is not uncommon for families to make reservations in advance to ensure they can enjoy this hearty meal together.

In addition to being a delicious meal, the Sunday roast also holds a special place in the cultural history of Norwich. It is a reminder of simpler times and a way to connect with the past.

Nowadays, Sunday roast isn't just limited to Sunday but it's a popular menu item in many restaurants and pubs across the city of Norwich and it is a great way to experience a taste of traditional British cuisine while visiting the city.

Cemal AlbayGem of Norwich